Wednesday, November 26, 2008


This week I have been practicing pushing myself up from a laying down position to a sitting position. I also try to get on my knees but I haven't gotten there fully yet on my own. Hopefully I will be crawling soon because I know where I want to go and I want to get there that second!

This week is Thanksgiving and luckily mommy and daddy both took the day off so we can spend the day before Thanksgiving together. We went to the children's museum but I didnt like it because there were so many people and kids were running around everywhere. But mommy and daddy said they will take me there again when I am a little bigger and I will really like it then. Only time will tell! Then I got the best present yet... a rocking horse that shakes its head and makes horse noises. I love it!

Here are a few pictures from my week and a video of a game I like to play after my bath!


Talia Jewelry Design said...

Samantha is so cute! Eat her up for us. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ackattacks said...

i love that she plays peekaboo! Cxantr wait to play it with her!