Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My First Memorial Day Weekend

What a weekend. We celebrated my Bubbie's birthday on Saturday with ice cream cake and pizza after I visited the pediatricians office for my 8 week check-up. I had my first round of immunizations, and developed a little fever, but mommy and daddy say I was a very good girl and didn't cry too much. But no worries, I made a full recovery and am back to my smiling self! Then, when the weather was nice, we went for a walk to the park and I took my first ride on a big girl swing. We had so much fun!!!!!

And today I officially turned 8 weeks old. Happy Birthday to me!

Enjoy the pictures and videos!

Can you believe daddy and I fell asleep on the floor during playtime???

Mommy had it right- it's nice sleeping in a big bed! Also, notice how we sleep. Like mommy, like baby!

Towel on my head to cool me down when I had a mild fever from my immunizations.

Cool chikita on our walk to the park.


Double weeeee!

I love to smile!

Mommy is soooo funny!

Growing into my swing.

The doggy is just my size!

1 comment:

Ryan and Sheri Lubniewski said...

you guys are so adorable! love the pics of you guys sleeping next to Sammie and love her sun glasses!