Sunday, July 5, 2009

Summer is here.... finally!

The summer weather finally has arrived and I am enjoying every minute of it. In the last month we celebrated mommy and daddy's anniversary and father's day which was fun especially because of all the cake. Then mommy and daddy took me for my first hair cut which turned out to just be a bang trim because I wasnt a happy camper.

As soon as the weather got real hot, we went to the outdoor pool which I loved so much. Mom and dad were worried I wouldnt like the pool because I hated swimming class last year, but they were wrong! I love walking in the shallow water, making splashes and even dipping my face in the water! Then mommy and I started a new music class on Tuesdays and I love it even more than the last class. We sing and dance and I love seeing my girlies Lily and Dylan. Then my boyfriend Nick started walking which is extra special because now he can chase me around and we can get into a lot more trouble.

As for other excursions, we went to Lambs Farm where I got to ride on a pony and go on a carousel ride. And then we tried the Childrens Museum again now that I am walking and I really liked playing there too...

Last week my cousin Lea got a baby brother named Jacob Shia and I got to go his Bris. He is so cute and I cant wait until I can play with him when he gets a little older.

Finally, it was the 4th of July and I got to watch my first fireworks show. Luckily we could see the shows right from our balcony so all I had to do was stay awake and watch. I pointed everytime I saw a pretty one and loved waiting for the next one to come.

Here are some pictures from my busy month and 2 special videos. Enjoy!


Ryan and Sheri Lubniewski said...

she has so much hair now and is so cute!!

tiknik said...

i looove you