Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shana Tova!

I went to my six month check-up this week and I weigh 14 pounds 8 ounces and I am 26 inches long. I got shots again and came down with another minor fever but it only lasted for about a day. I am feeling so much better now.

Yesterday and today I celebrated my very first Rosh Hashana. I went to shul and listened to all the songs and the Rabbi's very long sermons. Actually, I slept through the sermon on both days and I was very quiet the whole time. Mommy and daddy keep telling me how I am such a good girl. They just dont realize that all I want is for them to hold me and I am happy!

Chag sameach everyone and shana tova!

1 comment:

Uncle Mikey said...

Sammy, your mommy is so silly! You are adorable.